Specializing in granite mailboxes and lantern posts
A granite post for your mailbox or lamp post can enhance the appearance of your property and be a great addition to your outdoor landscape. Mailboxes by Mark can install your custom granite post on budget and on time.
A granite post for your mailbox or lamp post can enhance the appearance of your property and be a great addition to your outdoor landscape. Mailboxes by Mark can install your custom granite post on budget and on time.
With Mailboxes by Mark, you always get a high-quality job using the best materials available to the industry. You deal directly with the owner – no salesmen or subcontractors. Mark personally oversees every job from beginning to completion.
Mark previously operated his own fencing business and did all the manufacturing and installation himself. This helped him hone his building and woodworking skills and allowed him to easily transition into the specialized field of custom-crafted granite mailbox and lantern posts.
First, the customer selects the post size and bracket style and decides between a post cap or a natural split top. Mark can provide a mailbox, with a variety of styles from which to choose. Post engraving and vinyl lettering with street numbers on the mailbox are also available.
Once we have come to terms on your decision, the customer must call Dig Safe @ 811. All utilities will be marked out within 3 business days, they do not mark irrigation systems or underground dog fence that will be the customers responsibility. If you are not using your existing mailbox post for reference or moving it to a new location it must be clearly marked either with a white flag or white spray paint. I use the current USPS height requirements which make your mail carrier very happy as your box will be at the perfect height for easier delivery. Its best to have at least 36-42 inches from street curb of level ground to work with, this will allow enough setback protection from snow plows, so your investment is protected to my best of my ability.
Each hole is hand dug to minimize any damage to your landscape. Each granite post is set between 30-36 inched into the ground, concrete is used only under my discretion.
Service area includes
North Shore, Middlesex, and Merrimack Valley areas
5 year limited warranty, not responsible for accidental or consequential damages.